Meta Tags Analyzer

Meta Tags Analyzer

Analyzing the Meta Title Tags, Meta Description Tags, and Heading Tags

Meta Tags Analyzer analyzes the content of the Title, Description, and H1 meta tags from the specified URLs outputs the number of characters and words in the meta tags and displays all this data in a convenient format. After checking the content of the meta tags, you can download the resulting data in CSV format.

What are meta tags?

The text describing the page content is called a meta tag. It is present in the page's source code instead of the page itself. Meta tags are important because they tell search engines what a web page is about. In addition, it is read by search engines and their crawlers.

Search engines use these meta tags to understand information about a web page. Search engines read these tags for three purposes.

  • For ranking purposes
  • Displaying fragments in search results
  • Ignore it completely

This is why search engines read and understand meta tags. Examples of meta tags are meta headings and meta descriptions.

What is a good practice for using meta tags?

Meta tags can be both good and bad for SEO at the same time. They are wrong when they are bullied. Effective use of meta tags can help improve your ranking in search results. People mostly choose two meta tags, like keywords and descriptions, but many tags go beyond those two.

Meta tags are essential in search engine optimization, but only if they are used effectively and correctly. For a higher ranking, your meta tags must contain high-quality content. Don't sacrifice user satisfaction when using meta tags.

Don't add more tags than you need. They add a place to store your code; the shorter the codes, the lower the load on the site. Additional and irrelevant tags can be annoying. It's best to use limited and highly relevant meta tags and focus on user satisfaction rather than ranking. If the content is user-friendly, you will automatically get a rating.

How do I check the number of meta tags in the content?

We often don't pay attention to these important factors when writing content. Sometimes we exaggerate things that might go against us. The best way to check meta tags is to use any online tool. Also, use our Meta Tag Analyzer tool to get accurate results.

You'll see if you're exaggerating or maintaining the quality of tags rather than their quantity.

How do meta tags affect your click-through rate (CTR) and brand image?

In most cases, you judge a book by its cover. Similarly, your title and description are the covers of your web page. In addition, they leave the first impression on the user. Tags should not focus only on search engines. It would help if you reached out to the audience.

You can use anything, but it's best to show some professionalism. For example, when you visit Amazon and search for a product, you get an image, a title, and a short description. To increase brand awareness, you can also use these tags in your email newsletters and social media profiles. Therefore, proper use of tags can help improve CTR and brand image.

Important meta tags

You can use many meta tags on a web page. Here we will focus on the essential tags.

  • Title Tags

The tag that appears in the title is called the title tag. You can use almost 60 characters in the title tag. Long keywords or tags matter. The best way to get a rating is to use the focus keyword in the title.

  • Image Tags

These tags are called alternative tags, not meta tags. Search engines understand these tags. For the best experience, define both alt and title tags. The name is displayed on the screen and said with an alt in the search results. Research shows that 20-50% of traffic comes to the site using optimized images.

  • Meta description tags

Almost everyone knows these tags. In the meta description, you can give an overview of your site. You can only write 160 characters for efficient use. So use them with caution. Make it visible, so users click on it and get what they're looking for. If you do not add a meta description, Google will choose it.

Examples of good and bad meta tags

Good meta tags:

  • Meta title
  • Meta description
  • Viewport (for a better mobile experience)
  • Meta content type (must be present on every page)

Bad meta tags:

  • Author
  • Control sessions after
  • Validity period
  • Evaluation
  • Copyright ©
  • Abstract ones
  • Managing the cache

Key points you need to know about meta tags to get the most out of your search.

  • Ensure you don't use the same keyword for multiple page titles and descriptions.
  • Don't duplicate focus tags in the meta titles and descriptions of different pages.
  • The subject of the post should reflect the meta title and meta description.
  • Keep your meta tags clear, short, and concise.
  • When using meta tags, focus on relevance and readability.
  • Headings should be about 60 characters long, and descriptions should be about 150 characters long.
  • Use shorter descriptions and put essential points first.
  • It doesn't focus on keyword content because it doesn't make the content user-friendly.
  • Don't overuse meta tags. Use only highly relevant tags and use them when necessary.

What are the advantages of using meta tags?

When meta tags are used efficiently and correctly, you can get various benefits, such as:

  1. Higher rank
  2. Improved CTR
  3. User satisfaction
  4. Brand awareness and much more.


Are meta tags still important for search engine optimization? Yes. In most cases, people ignore this ranking factor. Also, most people abuse it. You can check your meta tags by following this link:

Also, use relevant tags for better results. We've reviewed the good and bad meta tags for your understanding. So use good tags only in certain places. Keep readers in mind when using tags. Make sure that the content attracts and doesn't bother users; This allows you to increase brand awareness and click-through rate (CTR).

If you don't use the primary keyword in the title, your post won't rank higher. So be intelligent and wise. Sometimes abuse can ruin the look and feel of your search.


Azahar Ahmed

CEO / Co-Founder

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful engineer, vocational trainer, entrepreneur, digital marketer, and motivational speaker hailing from Nagaon, Assam in India.