HTTP Status Code Checker

HTTP Status Code Checker

Check out the status code of your website URL

All pages on your site have a status code. Each code indicates whether the page is available for viewing by users or not. As a site owner, you need to know which pages are available for viewing and which are not. Perhaps an error occurred, and a significant page is unavailable for users? Then you will lose potential traffic, and search engine robots will mark your site as less high-quality if you don't configure the correct server response code.

A properly configured URL should always return the status codes 200, 203, and 204. A good SEO redirect should always return 3xx (301 or 302).

HTTP status codes are standard response codes that notify search engines and users that a site page is available. The first digit in the code indicates one of the five response classes. An available URL must always return a backlink code of 200, meaning that the user and browser find the URL in the header, and then the server shows the page with good content. If you need to move the page to a new address, always use 301 redirects.

We have created accessible server status-checking tools to get the HTTPS status code that the web server returns when a URL is requested.

Now we will explain how to work with our tool and why you need to track the current status of the page server response code.

Using the HTTP Status Code Checker: A step-by-step guide

With our simple status code checker, you can quickly determine a particular URL's status code. Cheat your sheet's pages to ensure that each page gets traffic from users and can be crawled by the search engine.

Like the redirect verification tool, our tools can provide valuable information about the URL server response status. The Server Status Checker helps you view the response codes of requested URLs. You can check one web page in one scan. Below, we'll show you how you can easily specify the response status of your pages in just two steps.

Step 1. Insert the URL

Just paste any URL you want to analyze into the empty input form on the tool page and click the arrow button to start scanning. Here's how you can begin scanning.

Step 2. Interpreting the results of checking the HTTP status code

After completing the scan, you will receive the result, namely the server response code on the processed page.

You can see these types of HTTP proxy codes in the list results:

  • 200 means that the page is allowed.
  • 202 means that the request is accepted for execution.
  • 301 means that it will temporarily move all requests to the new page.
  • 405 means that the server should not display the page.
  • 404 means that it entered the page address with an error dropped or deleted the page.
  • 449 means that there is not enough information from the client to process the request.
  • 503 means that the server cannot respond to the echo request, or the website is unavailable.
  • 511 means that the page is unavailable and the user needs to authenticate.

There are many other codes, such as 418, 423, 451, 5xx.

Cases where HTTP status checking is required

Using the correct server response code is very important for search engine optimization of your site and displaying it in the results, affecting the ranking in search engines. That's why we created a convenient and free fast tool for checking the status of the HTTP protocol. You can use it to check the status of the response code for each page on your site and ensure that all chains are configured correctly.

In many cases, you should check your web pages' actual server response code. If you have deleted an HTML page, you must issue a 401 or 404 server response code to notify the search engine and users. If you have moved the page content to a new address, configure the appropriate redirection so that users can find the new page using new links.


Azahar Ahmed

CEO / Co-Founder

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful engineer, vocational trainer, entrepreneur, digital marketer, and motivational speaker hailing from Nagaon, Assam in India.