Backlink Checker

Backlink Checker

Checking website backlinks online

Backlinks are essential factors that have ever been considered in the history of SEO. Whether you're talking about the history of SEO or the modern era, backlinks are everywhere. This way, no one can save a backlink from becoming un-targeted or dead. Getting backlinks is crucial, and further tracking is more than necessary. Let's assume, for example, that it is quite possible and easy to go to all your ever-increasing backlinks and check their performance one by one. Are you crazy? No! Are you leaving? No! Then how the hell do you think so? OK. I'm coming up with a solution. We have developed a tool for this purpose. Seriously, we built it just for you.

For Google and Bing, the structure of backlinks is an essential indicator of the site's value. The more high-quality backlinks that lead to your site, the better your chances of ranking high in search results.

The good thing is that you can track the creation of backlinks and thus intervene at any time if you receive a "bad" link.

For some time now, Google has been punishing sites with poor-quality backlinks. This may lead to a loss of the rating of the corresponding domains.

Therefore, as part of external optimization, which is part of search engine optimization, you should perform a backlink analysis. This shows where links to your site come from and whether they are high-quality or low-quality links.

What creates " bad " backlinks?

For example, Google considers defective links as links that are not related to your site. Link sharing and link buying, as well as easily generated links from yellow pages, forums, or web directories, are also critically reviewed by Google.

Problem: anyone can link to your site! Let's say someone runs a blog about search engine optimization. He writes a blog article and links to your site, which has nothing to do with search engine optimization because you're a real estate agent. Then this can be considered a "critical" link. One link, of course, is not a problem. However, if this happens more often, Google may punish you with a loss of ranking. Usually, ignorance of the site's webmasters leads to the" wrong " link. But this can harm your site, so you should find and remove the "bad" links.

In addition, some companies use these methods to harm competition. Of course, this is also annoying, so you need to do something about it immediately.

How do I find malicious links?

To find out what sources your backlinks are coming from, what keyword was set, and how many harmful backlinks there are, you can analyze using the appropriate backlink tool.

You need to enter a domain name, and our tool will automatically check where your backlinks come from, which links are declared as "No-Follow" and which as "Do-Follow," or the text link length.

How do I remove bad backlinks?

You can also clear bad backlinks. Once you know where they came from, you can write to the site owner and ask them to remove the link. However, this procedure is problematic when competitors intentionally create links.

In this case, you should collect and list bad backlinks. You can then send this list to Google using the Google Disavow Tool. Google offers the option to invalidate relevant links so that they no longer harm your site's ranking.

Especially if your site has many bad backlinks, you should contact Google directly, as this can be implemented quickly compared to writing to the site owner (which often involves repeated requests).


Azahar Ahmed

CEO / Co-Founder

I am Azahar Ahmed, a youthful engineer, vocational trainer, entrepreneur, digital marketer, and motivational speaker hailing from Nagaon, Assam in India.